80+ Father’s Day Messages for cards

Whether it’s your dad, uncle, brother, grandpa — anyone who has been a father figure to you — you want to express your love and gratitude. A personalized pop up card with a special message will let him know how much you appreciate all of his unconditional support.

For Your Father 

Father’s Day Messages for cards

Just like your mom, your dad has so much influence over your life. The contribution of a father in shaping the life of a child is not negligible at all.  They deserve to know how much they mean to you.

1, Happy Father’s Day to the man who put the fear of Dad into all my dates.

2, Happy Father’s Day to the best father in the universe. I love you!

3, Happy Father’s Day! You mean everything to me. I love you so much!

4, Dad, you’re in all my favorite memories.

5, You taught me so many of the important things I know—including a few choice words for certain situations.

6, I know I never tell you this often. But I love you, dad

7, Happy Fathers Day! You always made me feel special with your love and care

8, God gave me such a good gift when he gave me you for a father.

9, Dad, we love you with all of our hearts! As a father, you’re a leader, a teacher and a friend. Have a happy Father’s Day!

10, Happy Father’s Day. You’ve always had the biggest heart, dad. I’ve learned so much from you: patience, kindness, strength & courage. I love you so much, today and always!

11,  Dad, you’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me.

12, Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world. No matter how old we get, you’ll always be our first love. Have an amazing celebration!

13, Dad, you’ve got my back. That keeps me stepping up to what challenges come in life. Love you so much for that.

14,  Dad, thanks for the love, the cutting up, the keeping it real, the always being there. Thanks for being just the man you are.

15,  The older I get the more I realize how important it is to have a dad like you. You have provided stability in my life and the love and acceptance I needed. Happy Father’s Day!

16,  Dad, you’ve been constant support, love and protection in my life. Plus, you’re my friend. Thank you.

For Your Grandfather

Father’s Day Messages for cards

Your grandfather is definitely someone to honor and celebrate on Father’s Day!

1, Happy Father’s Day to a man who’s as grand as can be!

2, For teaching me to fish, to make campfires and to always be kind, thanks Grandpa!

3, For everything you’ve done for me and all the love you share, I’m thankful. Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa!

4, You’ve taught me so much without saying a word—just by the way you treat people.

5, It’s grand to have someone like you in our family! Happy Father’s Day Grandad!

6, You’ll always have your own special place in my heart, Papa.

7, Happy Father’s Day to the best grandpa in the world!

8, Granddaddy, you’ve always told the best stories and the funniest jokes. I’ll always be your biggest fan.

9, I hope you know how much you mean to me, Grandpa. Thank you for being an incredible dad and grandfather to our family!

Funny Father’s Day Messages

Father’s Day Messages for cards

If you have a father in your life that is full of humor, always telling bad dad jokes, then these funny Father’s Day messages are for him. Whether from a child or spouse, these messages are sure to have him cracking up.

1, Thanks for teaching me all the best things I know…plus some other good stuff that I probably should have paid more attention to.

2, I hope this Father’s Day is as fun as before you had kids.

3, Today is all about you, Dad! Enjoy, because tomorrow it’s back to the rest of us.

4, Even though I’m proud my dad invented the rear-view mirror, we’re not as close as we appear.

5, I hope all your wildest Father’s Day wishes come true—maybe even the one about staying awake through the whole afternoon of baseball on TV!

6, Father’s Day is important because, besides being the day on which we honor Dad, it’s the one day of the year that Brookstone does any business.

7, Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. We’ll just drop the grilled meat off at the door to your man cave.

8, Dad, I want you to know that mom couldn’t possibly have divorced a better guy.

9, I hope you get to waste some time in your favorite ways on Father’s Day. You deserve it!

For Your Husband

Father’s Day Messages for cards

Father’s Day is a great time to share your love and appreciation for your husband. Show him your love with these sentimental messages for a Father’s Day card from his wife. 

1, You’re the perfect example of how a father should be and I admire you so deeply. Happy father’s day, love.

2, Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart, the father of our children, the love of my life. I love our family and I love you!

3, Our kids think of you as a hero. And they’re absolutely right about that.

4, My love, you have not only been the perfect husband to me, but also a good father to our kids. Thank you for everything, Happy Father’s Day!

5, I can’t imagine anyone who’s a better father or more loving husband than you.

6, No one sacrifices their happy moments for the family like you do. I love you. Happy Father’s Day!

7, Our kids have your eyes, your cool energy and your big heart. I love you as their dad and the man who is my perfect person.

8, Your love reflects in the eyes of our children, they beam with joy when you enter the room. I adore you and am so blessed to have a respectful, hardworking husband. Happy Father’s Day.

9, I’m so grateful to be sharing life, love and parenthood with a wonderful man like you.

10, Seeing what a great dad you are only makes me love you more.

11, As a husband, you have been amazing since the first day of our marriage. And, as a father to our child, you have been phenomenal. All the good wishes for you on this day!

12, Happy Father’s Day to the most loving husband and the coolest dad. Your kids and I love you.

13, Life has given us a wonderful family, a happy home, and love for each other. Most importantly, it’s brought us together. I am so grateful to have you as my husband.

14, Happy Father’s Day to the man I love. I hope you feel every day how grateful I am for you and for all you do.

15, I feel the happiest when I see our little kids growing up with the same compassion and love that you have in you. You are an amazing dad. Happy Father’s Day!

For Your Son

Father’s Day Messages for cards

Father’s Day messages are not just for the father figures in your life. If you have a son, then share with him how proud you are of him and how great of a father you think he has become.

1, Now that you’re a dad, you can understand better all the love and pride we’ve always felt for you.

2, Our family has a tradition of strong, devoted fathers, and son, you are no exception! Keep up the great work being a great dad!

3, We are so proud of the son, the man, and the father you are. Happy Father’s Day, my son!

4, You’re a natural as a dad. It really warms our hearts to see you with your little boy.

5, I couldn’t have asked for a better son for better grandkid! I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. Happy Father’s Day!

6, You’re doing this dad thing…handling the big stuff and loving the little blessings that come with it.

7, Happy Father’s Day, son! It warms our hearts to see you with your little kids.

8, Happy father’s day, my little dad. I’m so proud of the beautiful man you’ve grown into.

9,  Happy father’s day to my boy. You’re such a great son, I’m sure that someday you’ll be a great father too.

From Daughter

Father’s Day Messages for cards

No matter how big a daughter gets, she will always hold a place in her father’s heart at daddy’s little girl. Make sure to let him know that you are still his baby girl, even if you’re too big for his lap.

1, The happiest moment of my life was when I was born. Because I had the privilege to be my father’s daughter.

2, Happy Fathers day! Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.

3, Dad, thanks for making me feel like a princess in my entire life. You deserve a ton of respect. Wishing you all the happiness in the world on this special day!

4, No matter how many years go by, Dad, I’ll always be that same little girl who loves you with all her heart. Happy Father’s Day!

5, No one can love a girl more than her father. Dad, you were always my hero and always will be. No one can replace you. Happy Father’s Day!

6, As a daughter, if I offered to be born once more, I’d ask for you to be my dad again. You’re the best dad in the world. Happy Father’s Day.

7, You’re my one and only dad, and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you. Happy Father’s Day.

8, I never knew that a man could have such an excellent character until I knew you inside and out, Dad. You’re amazing. Happy Father’s Day!

9, Fathers, be your daughter’s 1st love and she’ll never settle for anything less.

10, Happy Father’s Day to you! Since my childhood, you have been a hero in my eyes who worked so hard for the family. Thank you for everything!

11, Dad, your support is all I need to conquer every difficulty in life. Happy father’s day.

12, Dad, for all those times I life it unsaid. Thank you. Thanks for being there for me, for showing me the way, for being patient with me even when I made it difficult for you, for believing in me and encourage me to dream, and being such an inspiring presence in my life.

13, Life is not a fairy tale, still, you raised me like a princess. You are the true king of my heart. I love you so much. Happy Fathers Day dear dad!

14, Dear Dad, Happy Father’s Day! On this special occasion, I would like to thank you for always taking care of me and protecting me from every harm.

From Son

Father’s Day Messages for cards

Father’s and their sons share a special kind of connection for a lifetime. As his son, make sure your father knows how much he means to you with some of these happy Father’s Day quotes from a son.

1, Dad, you’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me.

2, Dad! You will always be my hero, no matter what. I love you. Happy Father’s Day!

3, God gave me such a good gift when he gave me you for a father.

4, Happy Fathers Day! There is no unconditional love on earth greater than the love of a father to his son.

5, Thanks for acting like a kid when I was a kid, acting like a friend when I needed a friend, and acting like a parent when I needed one. You are the best man I know. Happy Father’s Day!

6, You’re the true hero from my childhood. Times may have changed but the things I have learned from you are both ageless and priceless. Happy Fathers Day!

7, My father is a man of few words. And that’s alright. Because a few words is all it takes for him to make me happy, calm me when I am crying, and teach me the right lessons for my life.

8, Dear Father, Happy Father’s Day! You are the most inspiring figure in my life. Thank you for teaching me all the good values and practices.

9, Sons become strong men from the influence of their father. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!

10, It’s our heart that connects us and makes us father and son. Happy Father’s Day, dad!

11, When I was growing up, I looked up to you. Now I’m grown you’re still the best role model.