Which Christmas Craft Is Good? Card-making! A craft that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

A good Christmas craft project to do with friends or children would most certainly be Christmas card making.

Which Christmas Craft Is Good? Card-making! A craft that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Of course, there are many other fun Christmas projects you could choose to do. Examples are making your own Christmas tree, making wreaths, and even more elaborate, making Biblical figurines with clay depicting the Christmas story on the birth of Christ.

Making Christmas Cards - A Good Christmas Craft

Personally, I find making my own Christmas cards the best Christmas craft to prepare myself and children for the holiday season.

You do need to send out some Christmas greeting cards, right? So why not spend an afternoon or two making them with some friends. Encourage your children to make their own Christmas cards too. They can make a Christmas card list of all the friends they want to send Holiday cards to.

Making Christmas Cards With Friends

Invite 3 or 4 friends to your Christmas card making session.

Give them a list of cardmaking supplies to bring; card stocks, punches, Christmas rubber stamps, ink pads, etc.

Beside these, they should also bring along their address book as well as a notebook.

Prepare the place. Most likely, it’s in your living room if you do not have a craft room. And even when you have a craft room, it is better to have it in the living room so that participants will not get distracted by your craft supplies. Just bring out those supplies you need for this Christmas craft project. A big table and another smaller table should be sufficient. Place your trimmer, die-cut machine, light-box and eyelet setter, etc on the smaller table. Place chairs around the big table. This is where participants will sit and make their Christmas cards.

If refreshment is provided, place them on a coffee table.

Get each person participating in this Christmas craft project to draw up a Christmas card list. They can do this at home or at the beginning of the card making session.

If all are experienced card makers, then all of you can spend the time making your own cards with your own designs.

But if there’s any who are new to card making, then you might need to help her with a Christmas card design, and guide her to make her cards using that design.

Making Christmas Cards with Children

Before the craft project session.

Have a card design ready. Make a sample or two.

Create card making kits of the same card design. A kit for each child participating.

During the craft session.

Show the card samples to the children.

Have each one draw up a list of 5 friends they want to send Holiday cards to.

Distribute to each child a card making kit.

Show them what’s in the card making kit.

Demonstrate how to make the card. The children can follow along or they can start making it after your demonstration.

Take a break when they have done the first card from the first card making kit. (You should have refreshment at another table.)

After the break, let them do the second card from the second kit by themselves. Just be there to help when needed.

When they have finished making the second cards, let them check against the names in their Christmas card list. Then give them more card making supplies for making 3 more cards for the rest of the names in the list.

Leave them to make those cards.

When all five cards are done, help them to address them.

You might like to attach postages and mail the cards for them or spend another afternoon to bring them to the post office to post their Christmas cards which they have created during this Christmas craft session.

Some Christmas Cards' Projects