Valentines Cards Verses for Your Handmade Happy Valentine's Day Cards

So you need valentines cards verses for your homemade happy valentines cards. Here are a collection of them including valentines day poems, valentine quotes as well as some cheesy love quotes.

For example, these words ‘You turn my world upside down.’ 🙂 I don’t think that’s a comfortable feeling but then that’s love… right?

And what about this? 

“Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing, means absolutely everything to me.”

That’s a safe, cozy and comfortable feeling.


Have a look at the rest of the Valentines Cards verses below and see any you feel is the right words to put in your Happy Valentine’s Day card.

Happy Valentines Cards Verses

For my wife…my one and only valentine. You are very special.

With Lots of LOVE … from my HEART!

For my Valentine… with Lots of Love.

Sending you a rose… to say I love you.

I specially make this card to express my love for you. You are precious and special to me. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you more than anything… chocolate, t-bone steak, red wine. I will give these up just to have more of you.

Love speaks not with the mind, but the heart… a feeling that would never keep us apart. (Contributed by Shrish Viyas Hargoon – South Africa)

Just want to tell you that you are special, And to wish you a very Happy Valentines Day.

Sending you a rose… to wish you a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

You are the reason why I’m smiling everyday. You make the world beautiful for me.

I wake up every morning thanking God for the day I met you. Happy Valentine’s Day to my lovely wife. (Happy Valentine’s Day to my wonderful husband.)

I love you more than I have found a way to say to you.  – Ben Folds

If I did any right in my life it was when I gave my heart to you. You are my Valentine!

You are my sun, my moon and all my stars.

Be my Valentine!

Even after all these years, I am still nut over you. I Love You SO MUCH!

You make me happy no one else can. Luv YOU!

Even on bad days, I’m still happy with you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Even if I spend the whole day with you, I will miss you the second you leave.

Be mine.

When I follow my HEART it leads me to you.

You wanna know who I’m love with? 

Read the first word again.

Beside these Valentines cards verses, you might also like to check out Love Quotes for some wordings on your cards fronts or inserts.

Do email me if you have a quote or poem to contribute to this cardmaking website. Any one that you feel is just right for a greeting card.

I hope to add more Happy Valentine’s Day verses to this page so stay tuned by bookmarking this webpage. Also if you like these quotes on love, please add your comment below or like me on Facebook (check the right column of this webpage to like my facebook page).