Happy Easter Greeting Card In The Shape Of An Egg

Homemade Easter greeting card in the shape of an egg which opens out to reveal a cute little chick.

Yes! It’s time to celebrate Easter. Why not make a few of these easter egg greetings and send them to surprise friends and relatives.

I’m sure they will love it. This greeting card design is simple to make. Just follow the free printable template that I have provided and you should not have any problem duplicating it.

You can make this card with kids too. They will love to color the egg and chick. And it’s okay if they color outside the line because you are going to trim around the pattern anyway.

easter greeting card/Easter Egg Greeting Card Front

This is the front of the easter egg. I used skin color tone ink from a ink pad to color it and leave some white spaces to give a 3D effect.

This is how it looks when you open the top half of the egg.

easter greeting card/Inside Easter Greeting Card

Here’s how the inside looks like.

And here’s the step by step instructions for making this card. The free printable template for this card can be downloaded by clicking here. (Note: You will need Adobe Reader v.5 and above to view this file. Download Free Adobe Reader.)

Easter Greeting Card Making Supplies:

White cardstock

Inkpads : skin tone color and black color

Happy Easter greetings rubber stamp

Color Marker: yellow, orange, and black


Double-sided tape



Easter Greeting Card Making Instructions:

Print out the Easter Card Template on white photocopy paper.

Fold the white cardstock.

Place template on the cardstock with the left fold line flush to fold of your cardstock.

Transfer the design onto your white cardstock with lightbox. (If you don’t have a lightbox, just use a pencil and shade the back of the template. Put the template face up onto your cardstock and go over the outline with a pencil. The image will be transfer over to your cardstock.)

Color the front of the egg with skin tone color ink or paint.

Transfer the design for the chick onto another white cardstock.

Color the chick with yellow marker.

Draw in the eyes with black marker and the beak with orange marker.

Cut out the egg card. (Note: Do not cut on the fold lines)

Cut the jagged middle of the egg until fold line.

Cut the chick and snip on the edges.

Attach the chick to the back of the bottom half of the cracked egg with double sided tape.

Finally, ink Happy Easter rubber stamp and stamp the message on the inside of the card.

Article source: https://www.making-greeting-cards.com/